Chapters 5 & 6 Moby Dick

Chapter 5
They go hunting because they see a whale similar to Moby Dick. Then, they catch a whale, but it wasn’t Moby Dick. Sharks smell the animal, so they run near the boat and start trying to eat the whale. One of the sharks cuts Stubb’s hand. They have to cut the whale’s head because it contains very valuable oil and they throw the body to the sea.

Chapter 6
This chapters talks about Pip. He is a happy boy with a very big heart. He is intelligent and he plays the tambourine. He never goes hunting, but once, Stubb needs another person and he asks Pip to go with them. He was catching a whale but it swam under the water and he jumps into the sea.
One of the sailors cuts the rope and the whale escapes. Another sailor catches Little Pip and leaves him in the boat. The sailors are mad at Pip so the Captain defends him.
